Ticker | Company | Country | Exchange | Industry | Market Cap |
CVERDEC1 | Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde S.A.A. | PE | BVL | Metals and Mining | $14,247.28M |
CREDITC1 | Banco de Crédito del Perú S.A. | PE | BVL | Banks | $13,758.44M |
BACKUSI1 | Unión de Cervecerías Peruanas Backus y Johnston S.A.A. | PE | BVL | Beverages | $7,532.27M |
SHPC1 | Shougang Hierro Peru S.a.a. | PE | BVL | Metals and Mining | $4,967.02M |
MINSURI1 | Minsur S.A. | PE | BVL | Metals and Mining | $3,623.15M |
BBVAC1 | Banco BBVA Perú, S.A. | PE | BVL | Banks | $3,513.89M |
INRETC1 | InRetail Perú Corp. | PE | BVL | Consumer Staples Distribution and Retail | $3,397.15M |
IFS | Intercorp Financial Services Inc. | PE | BVL | Banks | $3,317.4M |
INTERBC1 | Banco Internacional del Perú S.A.A. - Interbank | PE | BVL | Banks | $2,520.48M |
SCOTIAC1 | Scotiabank Perú S.A.A. | PE | BVL | Banks | $2,246.62M |
ORYGENC1 | Orygen Perú S.A.A. | PE | BVL | Independent Power and Renewable Electricity Producers | $2,003.1M |
LUSURC1 | Luz del Sur S.A.A. | PE | BVL | Electric Utilities | $1,936.65M |
PODERC1 | Compañía Minera Poderosa S.A. | PE | BVL | Metals and Mining | $1,696.85M |
PLUZENC1 | Pluz Energía Perú S.A.A. | PE | BVL | Electric Utilities | $1,447.49M |
MAPFSGC1 | Mapfre Perú Compañía de Seguros y Reaseguros S.A. | PE | BVL | Insurance | $1,435.52M |
SPCCPI2 | Southern Peru Copper Corporation - Sucursal del Peru | PE | BVL | Metals and Mining | $1,177.71M |
ALICORC1 | Alicorp S.A.A. | PE | BVL | Food Products | $1,168.04M |
IPCHAC1 | Inversiones Portuarias Chancay S.A.A. | PE | BVL | Transportation Infrastructure | $1,107.2M |
SNJUANC1 | Cerveceria San Juan S.A. | PE | BVL | Beverages | $1,023.62M |
PACIFIC1 | Pacífico Compañía de Seguros y Reaseguros | PE | BVL | Insurance | $860.53M |
TELEFBC1 | Telefónica del Perú S.A.A. | PE | BVL | Diversified Telecommunication Services | $825.86M |
MIBANC1 | Mibanco Banco de la Microempresa S.A. | PE | BVL | Banks | $810.09M |
FERREYC1 | Ferreycorp S.A.A. | PE | BVL | Trading Companies and Distributors | $730.02M |
GLORIAI1 | Leche Gloria S.A. | PE | BVL | Food Products | $669.68M |
ENGIEC1 | Engie Energía Perú S.A. | PE | BVL | Independent Power and Renewable Electricity Producers | $652.12M |
UNACEMC1 | UNACEM Corp S.A.A. | PE | BVL | Construction Materials | $622.84M |
INVFALC1 | Inverfal Perú S.A.A. | PE | BVL | Capital Markets | $544.69M |
NEXAPEC1 | Nexa Resources Perú S.A.A. | PE | BVL | Metals and Mining | $541.08M |
RIMSEGC1 | RIMAC Seguros y Reaseguros S.A. | PE | BVL | Insurance | $516.85M |
CPACASC1 | Cementos Pacasmayo S.A.A. | PE | BVL | Construction Materials | $480.64M |
BROCALC1 | Sociedad Minera El Brocal S.A.A. | PE | BVL | Metals and Mining | $468.22M |
CORAREI1 | Corporacion Aceros Arequipa S.A. | PE | BVL | Metals and Mining | $444.74M |
EGEPIBC1 | Enel Generacion Piura S.A. | PE | BVL | Multi-Utilities | $410.97M |
HIDRA2C1 | Empresa Regional de Servicio Público de Electricidad Electro Norte Medio S.A. | PE | BVL | Electric Utilities | $334.89M |
SIDERC1 | Empresa Siderúrgica del Perú S.A.A. | PE | BVL | Metals and Mining | $315.51M |
SAGAC1 | Saga Falabella S.A. | PE | BVL | Broadline Retail | $294.17M |
VOLCABC1 | Volcan Compañía Minera S.A.A. | PE | BVL | Metals and Mining | $291.73M |
CONCESI1 | Consorcio Cementero del Sur S.A. | PE | BVL | Construction Materials | $285.26M |
CASAGRC1 | Casa Grande S.A.A. | PE | BVL | Food Products | $268M |
CARTAVC1 | Cartavio S.A.A. | PE | BVL | Food Products | $254.53M |
INDECOI1 | Industrias del Cobre Sociedad Anónima | PE | BVL | Electrical Equipment | $221.03M |
COLPERC1 | Colegios Peruanos S.A. | PE | BVL | Diversified Consumer Services | $216.98M |
SEALDC1 | Sociedad Eléctrica del Sur Oeste S.A. | PE | BVL | Electric Utilities | $205.87M |
EXALMC1 | Pesquera Exalmar S.A.A. | PE | BVL | Food Products | $195.89M |
HERMESC1 | Hermes Transportes Blindados S.A. | PE | BVL | Commercial Services and Supplies | $188.3M |
INVCENC1 | Inversiones Centenario S.A.A. | PE | BVL | Real Estate Management and Development | $176M |
FINOHC1 | Financiera Oh! S.A. | PE | BVL | Consumer Finance | $173.65M |
AENZAC1 | Aenza S.A.A. | PE | BVL | Construction and Engineering | $169.14M |
BPICHC1 | Banco Pichincha S.A. | PE | BVL | Banks | $161.22M |
FALABEC1 | Falabella Perú S.A.A. | PE | BVL | Real Estate Management and Development | $148.18M |
POSITIC1 | La Positiva Seguros y Reaseguros S.A. | PE | BVL | Insurance | $122.65M |
MINCORI1 | Sociedad Minera Corona, SA | PE | BVL | Metals and Mining | $115.63M |
SNJACIC1 | Agroindustrias San Jacinto S.A.A. | PE | BVL | Food Products | $113.23M |
GBVLAC1 | Grupo Bvl S.A.A. | PE | BVL | Capital Markets | $94.33M |
AUSTRAC1 | Austral Group S.A.A. | PE | BVL | Food Products | $92.7M |
LUISAI1 | Compañía Minera Santa Luisa S.A. | PE | BVL | Metals and Mining | $91.69M |
FCREDIC1 | Financiera Credinka S.A. | PE | BVL | Consumer Finance | $88.86M |
FCONFIC1 | Financiera Confianza S.A.A. | PE | BVL | Consumer Finance | $87.92M |
QUIMPAI1 | Quimpac S.A. | PE | BVL | Chemicals | $87.66M |
AIHC1 | Andino Investment Holding S.A.A. | PE | BVL | Transportation Infrastructure | $83.66M |
DIVIC1 | Diviso Grupo Financiero S.A. | PE | BVL | Financial Services | $83.15M |
PARAMOC1 | Agro Industrial Paramonga S.A. | PE | BVL | Food Products | $79.39M |
BAYERI1 | Bayer S.A. (Peru) | PE | BVL | Pharmaceuticals | $78.07M |
ISICC1 | Inmobiliaria SIC S.A. | PE | BVL | Real Estate Management and Development | $69.26M |
LAREDOC1 | Agroindustrial Laredo S.A.A. | PE | BVL | Food Products | $68.98M |
MICHEI1 | Michell y Cía. S.A. | PE | BVL | Textiles, Apparel and Luxury Goods | $66.29M |
CRECAPC1 | Credicorp Capital Peru S.A.A. | PE | BVL | Capital Markets | $63.72M |
CAYALTC1 | Agricola Cayalti Sociedad Anonima Abierta (Cayalti S.A.A.) | PE | BVL | Food Products | $63.09M |
CAVALIC1 | Cavali S.A. I.C.L.V. | PE | BVL | Capital Markets | $57.81M |
ESUREBC1 | Electro Sur Este S.A.A. | PE | BVL | Electric Utilities | $53.25M |
ELCOMEI1 | Empresa Editora El Comercio S.A. | PE | BVL | Media | $50.41M |
COCESUC1 | Corporación Cervesur S.A.A. | PE | BVL | Textiles, Apparel and Luxury Goods | $49.97M |
PERUBAI1 | Perubar SA | PE | BVL | Commercial Services and Supplies | $43.04M |
CRETEXI1 | Creditex S.A.A. | PE | BVL | Textiles, Apparel and Luxury Goods | $32.54M |
FPROEMC1 | Financiera ProEmpresa S.A. | PE | BVL | Banks | $31.11M |
MOROCOI1 | Compañía Minera San Ignacio de Morococha S.A.A. | PE | BVL | Metals and Mining | $29.68M |
ASJUANC1 | Empresa Agrícola San Juan S.A. | PE | BVL | Food Products | $28.63M |
HIDROSI1 | Hidrostal S.A. | PE | BVL | Machinery | $26.05M |
CRANDEC1 | Caja Rural de Ahorro y Crédito Los Andes S.A. | PE | BVL | Banks | $25.83M |
MEPSAI1 | Metalurgica Peruana S.A. | PE | BVL | Metals and Mining | $25.13M |
GRHOLDC1 | GR Holding S.A. | PE | BVL | Real Estate Management and Development | $20.49M |
POMALCC1 | Empresa Agroindustrial Pomalca S.A.A. | PE | BVL | Food Products | $20.05M |
FUTURAI1 | Futura Consorcio Inmobiliario S.A. | PE | BVL | Real Estate Management and Development | $18.79M |
ENPACII1 | Energía del Pacífico S.A. | PE | BVL | Electric Utilities | $17M |
ATACOAC1 | Nexa Resources Atacocha S.A.A. | PE | BVL | Metals and Mining | $16.39M |
ETERNII1 | Fábrica Peruana Eternit S.A. | PE | BVL | Construction Materials | $15.43M |
ALFINAC1 | Alfin Banco S.A. | PE | BVL | Banks | $14.58M |
ANDAHUC1 | Empresa Agraria Azucarera Andahuasi S.A.A. | PE | BVL | Food Products | $13.27M |
FILAMEI1 | Filamentos Industriales S.A. | PE | BVL | Textiles, Apparel and Luxury Goods | $12.15M |
UNITEXI1 | Compañía Universal Textil S.A. | PE | BVL | Textiles, Apparel and Luxury Goods | $11.79M |
QUALSGC1 | Quálitas Compañía de Seguros S.A. | PE | BVL | Insurance | $11.6M |
PHTBC1 | Peru Holding de Turismo SAA | PE | BVL | Real Estate Management and Development | $8.43M |
SHOUGEC1 | Shougang Generación Eléctrica S.A.A. | PE | BVL | Electric Utilities | $7.75M |
RECORDI1 | Manufactura de Metales y Aluminio Record S.A. | PE | BVL | Household Durables | $7.08M |
ETNAI1 | Fabrica Nacional de Acumuladores ETNA S.A. | PE | BVL | Electrical Equipment | $5.46M |
IEQSAI1 | Industrias Electro Químicas S.A. | PE | BVL | Metals and Mining | $5.21M |
TUMANC1 | Empresa Agroindustrial Tuman S.A.A. | PE | BVL | Food Products | $4.48M |
PUCALAC1 | Agro Pucalá S.A.A. | PE | BVL | Food Products | $3.65M |
INGENIC1 | Empresa Azucarera el Ingenio, S.A. | PE | BVL | Food Products | $3.48M |
EDUNASC1 | Electro Dunas S.A.A. | PE | BVL | Electric Utilities | $2.44M |