Ticker | Company | Country | Exchange | Industry | Market Cap |
BIAT | Banque Internationale Arabe de Tunisie Société anonyme | TN | BVMT | Banks | $1,203.29M |
SFBT | Société de Fabrication des Boissons de Tunisie Société Anonyme | TN | BVMT | Beverages | $977.61M |
TJARI | Banque Attijari de Tunisie Société anonyme | TN | BVMT | Banks | $679.87M |
PGH | Poulina Group Holding S.A. | TN | BVMT | Industrial Conglomerates | $491.1M |
BT | Banque de Tunisie Société anonyme | TN | BVMT | Banks | $440.45M |
AB | Amen Bank Société anonyme | TN | BVMT | Banks | $405.01M |
DH | Délice Holding SA | TN | BVMT | Food Products | $277.69M |
SAH | Société d'Articles Hygiéniques Société Anonyme | TN | BVMT | Personal Care Products | $269.89M |
UIB | Union Internationale de Banques Société anonyme | TN | BVMT | Banks | $242.24M |
CC | Carthage Cement SA | TN | BVMT | Construction Materials | $236.54M |
OTH | One Tech Holding S.A. | TN | BVMT | Electrical Equipment | $235.02M |
BH | BH Bank Société anonyme | TN | BVMT | Financial Services | $190.01M |
BNA | Banque Nationale Agricole Société anonyme | TN | BVMT | Banks | $163.19M |
SOTUV | Societe Tunisienne de Verreries | TN | BVMT | Containers and Packaging | $155.59M |
STB | Société Tunisienne de Banque Société anonyme | TN | BVMT | Banks | $144.06M |
UBCI | Union Bancaire pour le Commerce et L'Industrie Société anonyme | TN | BVMT | Banks | $135.17M |
STAR | Société Tunisienne d'Assurances et de Réassurances | TN | BVMT | Insurance | $129.11M |
ATB | Arab Tunisian Bank | TN | BVMT | Banks | $112.65M |
SPDIT | Société de Placement & de Développement Industriel & Touristique Société anonyme | TN | BVMT | Capital Markets | $105.61M |
NAKL | Ennakl Automobiles S.A. | TN | BVMT | Specialty Retail | $100.05M |
TPR | Tunisie Profilés Aluminium Société Anonyme | TN | BVMT | Building Products | $99.48M |
ARTES | Automobile Réseau Tunisien et Services S.A. | TN | BVMT | Specialty Retail | $98.59M |
AST | Compagnie d'Assurances et de Réassurances ASTREE | TN | BVMT | Insurance | $86.75M |
WIFAK | Wifack International Bank Société anonyme | TN | BVMT | Banks | $84.87M |
ASSMA | Assurances Maghrebia SA | TN | BVMT | Insurance | $72.81M |
UMED | Unité de Fabrication des Médicaments S.A | TN | BVMT | Pharmaceuticals | $71.71M |
CITY | City Cars S.A. | TN | BVMT | Specialty Retail | $71.42M |
AMI | Assurances Multirisques Ittihad | TN | BVMT | Insurance | $71.14M |
ICF | Les industries Chimiques du Fluor SA | TN | BVMT | Chemicals | $65.35M |
TLS | Tunisie Leasing & Factoring Société anonyme | TN | BVMT | Financial Services | $61.07M |
CIL | Compagnie Internationale de Leasing S.A. | TN | BVMT | Financial Services | $52.59M |
AL | Air Liquide Tunisie SA | TN | BVMT | Chemicals | $51.47M |
TRE | Société Tunisienne de Réassurance | TN | BVMT | Insurance | $51.43M |
AMV | Assurances Maghrebia Vie S.A. | TN | BVMT | Insurance | $48.33M |
STPAP | Société Tunisienne Industrielle du Papier et du Carton | TN | BVMT | Containers and Packaging | $48.28M |
LNDOR | Land'Or Société Anonyme | TN | BVMT | Food Products | $44.75M |
ATL | Arab Tunisian Lease S.A. | TN | BVMT | Financial Services | $43.42M |
SOTEM | Société Tunisienne d'Email S.A | TN | BVMT | Building Products | $42.85M |
BHASS | BH Assurance | TN | BVMT | Insurance | $40.97M |
MPBS | Manufacture De Panneaux Bois Du Sud | TN | BVMT | Paper and Forest Products | $39.66M |
ECYCL | Euro-Cycles S.A | TN | BVMT | Leisure Products | $36.35M |
MAG | Societe Magasin General S.A. | TN | BVMT | Broadline Retail | $34.63M |
MNP | Société Nouvelle Maison de la Ville de Tunis | TN | BVMT | Broadline Retail | $28.28M |
MGR | Société Tunisienne des Marchés de Gros S.A. | TN | BVMT | Consumer Staples Distribution and Retail | $25.93M |
HL | Hannibal Lease SA | TN | BVMT | Financial Services | $25.41M |
TLNET | Telnet Holding SA | TN | BVMT | IT Services | $22.88M |
ALKIM | Société Chimique ALKIMIA S.A. | TN | BVMT | Chemicals | $21.84M |
TGH | Tawasol Group Holding SA | TN | BVMT | Construction and Engineering | $21.73M |
STPIL | La Société de Transport des Hydrocarbures par Pipelines SOTRAPIL SA | TN | BVMT | Oil, Gas and Consumable Fuels | $19.61M |
BL | Best Lease SA | TN | BVMT | Financial Services | $18.39M |
SIAME | Société Industrielle d'Appareillage et de Matériels Electriques | TN | BVMT | Electrical Equipment | $17.38M |
TJL | Attijari Leasing S.A. | TN | BVMT | Financial Services | $16.55M |
SIMPAR | Société Immobilière et de participations Société Anonyme | TN | BVMT | Real Estate Management and Development | $12.41M |
TAIR | Société Tunisienne de l'Air S.A. | TN | BVMT | Passenger Airlines | $12.35M |
SAM | Société Atelier du Meuble Intérieurs SA | TN | BVMT | Commercial Services and Supplies | $10.28M |
SOTET | Société Tunisienne d'Entreprises de Télécommunications S.A. | TN | BVMT | Diversified Telecommunication Services | $10.19M |
SITS | Société Immobilière Tunisio Saoudienne | TN | BVMT | Real Estate Management and Development | $9.32M |
BHL | BH Leasing Société Anonyme | TN | BVMT | Real Estate Management and Development | $7.99M |
PLAST | Office Plast SA | TN | BVMT | Commercial Services and Supplies | $7.6M |
NBL | New Body Line Société Anonyme | TN | BVMT | Textiles, Apparel and Luxury Goods | $6.61M |
UADH | Universal Auto Distributors Holding | TN | BVMT | Specialty Retail | $6.5M |
SCB | Les Ciments de Bizerte | TN | BVMT | Construction Materials | $5.81M |
SOMOC | Société Moderne de Céramique | TN | BVMT | Building Products | $5.24M |
ASSAD | L'Accumulateur Tunisien Assad SA | TN | BVMT | Electrical Equipment | $4.68M |
SANIMED | Sanimed Société Anonyme | TN | BVMT | Building Products | $4.32M |
STIP | Société Tunisienne des Industries de Pneumatiques SA | TN | BVMT | Automobile Components | $3.78M |
CELL | Cellcom Société Anonyme | TN | BVMT | Technology Hardware, Storage and Peripherals | $3.28M |
SIPHA | Société des Industries Pharmaceutiques de Tunisie - S.A. | TN | BVMT | Pharmaceuticals | $2.49M |
STS | Société Tunisienne du Sucre SA | TN | BVMT | Food Products | $2.48M |
SOKNA | Essoukna | TN | BVMT | Real Estate Management and Development | $2.48M |
SITEX | Societe Industrielle des Textiles S.A. | TN | BVMT | Textiles, Apparel and Luxury Goods | $2.43M |
AMS | Les Ateliers Mecaniques Du Sahel | TN | UNQ | Household Durables | $1.96M |
LSTR | Electrostar | TN | UNQ | Household Durables | $0.97M |
AETEC | Advanced e-Technologies S.A | TN | BVMT | IT Services | $0.14M |
MIP | Maghreb International Publicité Société anonyme | TN | UNQ | Media | $0.11M |