President and Chief Executive Officer of Investment Management, Trustee, Chief Executive Officer of Investment Management and President of Investment Management, President, Trustee and Chief Executive Officer - Investment Management, Chief Executive Officer, President and Board Member, Chairman and Vice President, Chairman and Senior Vice President, Chairman of the Board and Vice President, President, Interested Trustee and Chief Executive Officer of Investment Management, Vice Chairman, Director & Portfolio Manager, Chairman & VP, Vice President and Director, Vice President and Trustee, Chief Executive Officer, President and Trustee, Vice Chairman, Trustee & CEO and President of Investment Mgmt of Franklin Group of Funds, Vice President, Portfolio Manager, Principal Owner, Interested Trustee, Director, Trustee
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Charles Bartlett Johnson
Chairman and Vice President, Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President, President, Chief Executive Officer of Investment Management and Trustee, Chief Executive Officer, President and Director, Portfolio Manager, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Chairman, President, Vice President and Chief Executive Officer of Investment Management, Chief Executive Officer and President, Director, Chairman, Chairman of the Board
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Jennifer M. Johnson
President, CEO & Director, Advisor, Director, Member of Advisory Board , Trustee Nominee, Member of Board Advisory Council, Non-Executive Director, Independent Director
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Gregory Eugene Johnson
Chief Executive Officer and President, Executive Chairman of the Board, Vice President and Trustee, President, Director, Trustee, Interested Trustee, Member of Acquisition Advisory Council, Non Executive Director
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Adam Benjamin Spector
Managing Partner & Member of Executive Board, Executive VP & Head of Global Distribution